Environment &

As an Austrian based company with a long tradition, the social responsibility towards our employees and the environment is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy.
Due to state-of-the-art production technology at all of our production sites we contribute to a cleaner planet. In this regard our focuses are the continuous improvement of our processes as well as the consideration of environmental aspects already during the development of processes and planning of facilities.


We consider environmental protection as part of our corporate responsibility. Our environmental management is in our existing quality management system and is subject to a continuous improvement process.

We see the focuses of our active environmental management in

  • continuous improvement of our processes, products and systems
  • attention to environmental aspects already during processes development and facility planning
  • preventive maintenance
  • trainings in order to avoid accidents and malfunctions
  • continuous reduction of emissions by most suitable, economically justifiable technology
  • reducing the use of operating materials and energy
  • compliance with existing binding (legal and self-imposed) obligations

PENGG - Competence in Wire

Joh. Pengg AG is a globally leading supplier of spring wire products and is specialized in the manufacture of products for the automotive, electronics and mechanical engineering industries. We produce drawn, oil tempered round and shaped wire.

Joh. Pengg AG

  • A-8621 Thörl
  • +43 3861 5090
  • +43 3861 2318
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.